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Easy!Appointments 1.3.1 release

Alex Tselegidis

A new version is available for download, with many fixes and improvements.



  • #410: Time format from American style to European
  • #441: Added time format selection
  • #452: Provide more information when errors occur during the installation.


  • #494: French translation corrections/improvements.


  • #433: Selected date when editing an appointment
  • #436: All days unavailable in agendaDay view
  • #438: Error on update process from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0
  • #440: Correct label text for customer phone number in back-end calendar event popup.
  • #453: Unavailable periods not taken into account when more than one customer
  • #455: French Spelling
  • #459: Aggregate Appointment API crashes when a break was added
  • #461: Invalid working plan parsing for foreign languages on day view of the default calendar view.
  • #475: Booking page date selection is broken with any_provider option selected.
  • #483: In backend, calendar for providers become unselectable if switched to calendar for service.
  • #491: Replace hardcoded string with translation in appointment details email template.
  • #495: Database migration fixes (from 1.2.1 to 1.3.x).
  • #497: Backend settings are not being displayed on page load when the user is not an admin.

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