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New Danish translation available

A new Easy!Appointments translation is now available for download thanks to Lars Juul, who localized the user interface into Danish. Download…

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New Italian translation available

Easy!Appointments is now translated into Italian thanks to Salvatore Cordiano. You can download translation files from the GitHub page of the…

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Announcing the WordPress plugin

The Easy!Appointments WordPress plugin aims to create a bridge between the two systems making it easy for anyone to integrate…

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New Polish translation available

There is a new custom translation of Easy!Appointments in Polish, submitted by K.Januś. Grab the translation files and read the…

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Update on the future release plan

Since version 1.0 more than 7000 people have download Easy!Appointments and completed the installation on their servers. This is really amazing…

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Easy!Appointments has moved to GitHub

It was a matter of time since Easy!Appointments would have a new home. Grab the code from the GitHub repository.…

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New Simplified Chinese translation available

There is a new custom translation of Easy!Appointments in simplified Chinese, submitted by Aaron Wong. Grab the translation files and…

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New French translation available

There is a new custom translation of Easy!Appointments in French, submitted by Bernard Sylvie. Grab the translation files and read…

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About 1.1 feature requests

It has been almost 8 months since the first version of Easy!Appointments has been released and it's about time to…

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