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About the email notification system

Alex Tselegidis

Easy!Appointments features an email notification system that sends information to both customers and providers that relate to a specific appointment. When a customer books an appointment the notification system is triggered so that every participant gets notified about the event. Since customers do not have to create an account to book appointments with a company, their email will contain a unique link that will enable them to make changes or even cancel their appointment. Provider emails do also contain a respective link that will redirect them to the backend section of Easy!Appointments where they can readjust their schedule.

The notification system does not require any further configuration except from the existence of a functional mailing service on the server. Provider users will have to enable the “Receive Notifications” option in order to receive emails in contrast to customers that will always receive an email. Also keep in mind that every change made on the plan of a provider will trigger the notification system.

Possible reasons for notification triggering:

  • Customers books an appointment.
  • Provider changes the hour of an appointment.
  • Administrator removes an appointment from the schedule.

You can of course suggest your own ideas of email notifications in the feature request page or here with a comment 🙂




  1. ismail
    February 15, 2016

    How to set it up, and what if I use Postfix for example rather than sendmail?

    • alextselegidis
      February 17, 2016

      Easy!Appointments is using PHPMailer for sending the emails. All the mailing functionality is written in the application/libraries/notifications.php. Take a look at the following link on how you can configure PHPMailer to work with postfix:

  2. rodvianasc
    April 26, 2016

    Hi, when secretaries will receive email?

    • alextselegidis
      April 27, 2016

      Secretaries do not receive emails, only the providers and the customers receive emails at the moment.

    • alextselegidis
      May 10, 2016

      No unfortunately not. Only the customers and providers receive the emails at the time being.

  3. Jaroslav Švábík
    April 15, 2017

    Hello Alex, I have a question: Is there any reason why they can not receive notification admins and secretaries? Thanks for the reply.

  4. alextselegidis
    April 18, 2017

    Hi, well I hadn't implemented it yet but here's the github issue for this feature:

  5. Nico Strimer
    May 27, 2020

    I now set an Email but unfortunately I set the wrong one. Is there any way to change the Email again?


    • Nico Strimer
      May 27, 2020

      Hello, my problem has been solved I actually just looked at the wrong thing

      Sorry for that ;-)

      • alextselegidis
        May 27, 2020

        No problem

    • alextselegidis
      May 27, 2020

      You can change the email in the settings page any time.

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