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Support gets new thread categories

Alex Tselegidis

It was requested by users that it would be better if there were categories for the support group threads, so that it is easier to find the content you need.

The following categories are now available:

Troubleshooting – Ask for Help
Ask for help from experienced users or find the solution in an existing thread.

Source Code Modifications
Add here your code snippets that modify the core so that other users can benefit from it.

Suggestions – Feature Requests
You can propose new features or improvements for the project, and discuss them with other users.

Easy!Appointments comes with a big collection of user provided translations. Make suggestions for corrections and enhancements

Showroom – Post your installation
Show us your fancy Easy!Appointments installation.

Version 1.1 – Testing
You can currently download the upcoming version from GitHub for testing purposes. Please post in this category for any possible issues that you have found.

For threads that do not apply in any of the previous categories.

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